Monday, September 14, 2009

What TV Shows do you watch? (From Jen's site)

How I met Your Mother (Just got into this one but i heart it so much!)

House (I dont catch it often but i do netflix it. Love Hugh Laurie!)

Glee- I am such a fan girl of this show. Love the talent. Love the music. Love it all.
Bones- David Boreanuz. Nuff said.

The Office- Jim and Dwight. And the Nard dog.

30 Rock- Anyone who doesn't love this show is dead to me.

Entourage- total boy show and my hubby loves it . As much as a jerk Piven is said to be- he is an amazing jerk on TV.

Weeds- fantastic TV here. The show keeps getting better and better.


  1. I totally forgot How I Met Your Mother!! NPH is freaking AWESOME in that show!!

  2. I LOVE HIM! He is so hilarious. I have been netflixing the seasons to catch up to next week's season premiere.
